Thank you for your patience. Below is the rest of the schedule for the 3rd-8th Grade Boys NBA Buzzardball season beginning this Sunday, January 28th. Schedules can also be found on the Schedule link on the Winter League Home Page.
34-NBA Gold | SIX teams in the TRIPLE DOUBLE division and SIX teams in the THREE-POINTER division
34-NBA Silver | FIVE teams in the TRIPLE DOUBLE division and FOUR teams in the THREE-POINTER division. Three teams in the TD Division will have doubleheaders
56-NBA Gold | SIX teams in the TRIPLE DOUBLE division and SIX teams in the THREE-POINTER division
56-NBA Silver | SIX teams in the TRIPLE DOUBLE division and EIGHT teams in the THREE-POINTER division
78-NBA | The Warriors + Bucks will face off each week. The remaining SIX teams will face off in the THREE-POINTER division
Playoff information for games played on March 10th will be coming in February.